

In sailing you are always scanning the horizon looking for the ripples on the water – because that is where the wind is. That is how you set your course.  

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Topics: Fundraising, Planning, Resource Development, sustainability


Posted by Bruce Berglund

Throughout the past few months, conversations with clients from around the country have centered on one basic question:

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Topics: Philanthropy, Nonprofit Management, Nonprofit Leadership, Financial Development, Fundraising Campaign, Nonprofit, Resource Development, finance, financial management


Posted by Kris Vrooman

The DBD grant team has reviewed A LOT of grant proposals over the years – and we mean a lot! We’ve also talked with grant makers from around the country about what they like to see and what makes them cringe. Here are the top five common mistakes we’ve seen and suggestions to lead to more successful outcomes.

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Topics: Resource Development, grants, grant writing


Posted by Bert Ruiz

As your organization prepares for an executive search, an important consideration is how to engage community stakeholders (along with board and staff) in the process.

Why engage community stakeholders? This group can provide an external perspective on how the community views your organization, as well as challenges and opportunities facing the community. Board members and staff are typically focused on internal priorities, while this group applies an outward-facing lens.

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Topics: Leadership, Nonprofit Leadership, Hiring, community, CEO Search, executive search


Posted by Laura DeVries

A few times a day, my Apple watch reminds me to breathe.  Like many, I googled this feature when I started receiving these notifications at the most inconvenient times. Before I can hit dismiss, my watch steals my attention and I am momentarily captured as the animated flower fills the tiny screen and slowly expands and contracts.

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Topics: Leadership, Goals, Nonprofit Leadership, Personal Development, Communication, Attitude, Happiness, Clarity


Posted by Bruce Berglund

By Bruce Berglund and Jan Brogdon

Too often, major gift efforts are confined to the framework of a campaign. We ask for these gifts when we have a goal, but we really don’t work to cultivate those major gift donors between and before campaigns. In a time where capital campaigns were slowed or even stopped, some organizations used 2020 to grow a deeper connection with major gift donors. How can the learnings from their experiences, and yours, shape the way you move forward from here?

Any of you that have worked with us know that we believe Case, Leadership, Prospects and a Plan are the key elements of successful fundraising. Consider how you can use this structure as you analyze your own situation.

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Topics: Leadership, Learning, Donation, Major Gifts, Case For Support, Asking, Goals, Nonprofit Leadership, Case Statement, Fundraising Campaign, Gift Of Giving, Covid

DBD PODCAST: Partnerships and Collaborations

Posted by DBD Team

What are the questions you should ask before engaging in a collaboration? 

What are the characteristics of successful - and not successful - partnerships?

In this month's episode of the DBD Podcast, Bruce Berglund, Kellie Wardman and Jon Simons discuss the opportunities and challenges that come with partnering or  collaborating with other organizations. 

This engaging 24 minute podcast will give you, your team and your volunteers a solid background to making the most of collaborative opportunities that come your way. 


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Topics: Collaborations, Podcast, Nonprofit, Collaboration, partnership


Posted by Jon Simons

How ironic is it that a year of forced isolation has actually provided us the ability to connect with each other in a deep, meaningful and global scale? 

How are you doing?” has shifted from a casual greeting to a meaningful invitation to connect through a common, shared experience.

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Topics: Leadership, Grit, Gratitude, Goals, Nonprofit Leadership, Communication, Relationships, Nonprofit, Happiness, Covid


In the world of fund development, endowment programs usually get the least amount of attention. This is a shame, because these gifts often represent a donor’s sense of legacy. Why do we put off the cultivation of endowment prospects? I propose that many of us are laboring under false beliefs about developing endowment program. It’s time to bust some myths!

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Topics: Fundraising, Endowment, Endowment Development, Nonprofit Staff, Fund Development, Planned Giving


The past year has been challenging for everyone. As someone who works with nonprofits, I have been impressed and moved by how these organizations have stepped up to serve their communities in new ways. They’ve managed to make a positive impact for others, even with severe constraints.

The most important resource any organization has is its staff. Many nonprofits, like their counterparts in businesses, were forced to furlough or lay off employees as revenue streams dried up during the pandemic. That means that the staff who remained were often doing the jobs of several people while also trying to identify new ways of serving that would help to keep people safer during the pandemic.

Taking care of staff is always critical, but today it is more important than ever.

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Topics: Nonprofit Leadership, Culture, Communication, Appreciation, Nonprofit, Collaboration, Kindness, Covid

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